
Zuar is the analytics headquarters for organizations of all sizes. Automate the flow of data from hundreds of potential sources into a single destination for analytics, fully prepped and ready for use.

At Zuar, trust is woven into the fabric of everything we do. To keep your data safe and private, we deploy industry-leading safeguards for security and to manage our systems. To earn your trust, we make it a point to transparently share our security and compliance program with you.

All the information that we share with you is a real-time feed from the compliance program in Trust Cloud. We continuously monitor, test, improve, and share our security, and compliance program, so you can rest easy knowing that we are safely managing the integrity of your data, and continue to be conscientious about the trust bestowed in us.


Like Zuar, Pass security reviews faster with TrustShare™

  • Dramatically reduce time spent on security questionnaires
  • Securely share your trust portal with prospects and partners
  • Leverage rigorously tested AI to pre-fill questionnaires
  • Avoid the hassle of maintaining a knowledge base or configuring a tool designed for RFPs