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Google Workspace integration not importing list of employees?

Is it normal that the list of our people has to be done manually even if the Google Workspace integration is done? We have integrated Google Workspace but we still see no employees in the “People” section.

Thank you!

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  • When we want to import employees through Google Workspace, we need to have 2 things added/available in our program
    * Google Auth System
    * Google Integration
    The People page does not display employees automatically if we have these 2 things added/available in our program
    In order to get the employee data in People page, we need to complete Import Employees into TrustCloud task and through this task we need to select Google Workspace option and click on Pull Data button and follow the process of selecting/de-selecting employees and once we complete the process of import, the employee data will be displayed in People page

  • How do you import users after Google Workspace is integrated?

  • Nevermind, we found it – It has to be selected separately, but having it pulled automatically at integration would have made more sense.
    Thanks !

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