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What are the companies in TrustShare?

Companies are organizations that are currently working with you or are willing to do business with you. The Active Companies page sorts your users by organization name, so you can see a list of all of the active organizations in your TrustShare.

Adding Companies

Steps to add a company to TrustShare:

  1. Click on the “Add Company” button in the right corner
  2. Either pull a company from your CRM or manually add a company
  3. Attest if the company has signed an NDA
  4. Click on the “Finish” button. The company has been added to your active companies list on TrustShare.

Company Details Attributes

On the Active Companies page, you can see a list of all of the active companies in your TrustShare. Select the company you want to view more information on. On this page, you can view the following details about the company:

  1. Opportunity Value
  2. Company Website
  3. NDA Status
  4. Created by (User)
  5. Date Created
  6. Users
  7. Documents Authorized
  8. Shared Questionnaires (if applicable)
  9. Company Activity Feed
    The following screenshot shows the Company Details Page.
    TS Companies


The users table represents all users who have requested access been denied access or have been invited to your TrustShare that belong to the company. The user status badge next to each user indicates the status of the user’s account. You can also add a new user from this page by clicking the “New User” button on the user card.

User Status Badge Key:

  1. Active: The user has accepted your invitation to TrustShare and is currently able to access the information made available to them.
  2. Invited: This user has been invited to your TrustShare but has not yet accepted the invitation.
  3. Requests: You have sent invitation for this user. The user has not accepted the invitation to access your TrustShare. You can resend the invitation from the Users page.


The document table represents all documentation that has been shared with this company.  The statistics shows the number of views and downloads of the documents.

The access level badges indicate how the documents are shared.

Access Level Badge Key:

  1. Public (Green Badge): All TrustShare viewers (authenticated and unauthenticated) are able to access
  2. Private (Orange Badge): Only authenticated TrustShare viewers are able to access
  3. Data Room (Grey Badge): Only users invited to the data room can access these documents. If a data room document is listed here, this indicates one or more of the users at this company have been invited to that data room


The “Questionnaires” section showcases active, in progress or archived questionnaires. You can see a list of the questionnaires that have been shared, which users each questionnaire has been shared with, the last time the questionnaire was updated, and the share status. You can also export the original file (if it has been processed), edit the permissions of the questionnaire (add or remove users from access), or stop sharing the questionnaire as well.

Share Status Key:

  • In Progress: The questionnaire is in queue for approval! (Our team will transfer your questionnaire responses into the original file format for your prospects. It is important to note that this process can take anywhere from 1–48 business hours. Processing times are influenced by the size and complexity of each request, as well as the number of requests in queue.)
  • Complete: The questionnaire is complete and can be shared with your prospect via your TrustShare portal.
  • Archived: The questionnaire that is not in use.

Activity Feed

The activity feed present on the “Companies” page is specific to the selected company. You can monitor any activity related to the company, such as when invited users accept your TrustShare invitation, when users download documents from your portal, or any internal activity related to the company.

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