Connected Controls

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Connected controls in a treatment plan refer to additional measures or actions that are linked to or associated with the primary risk mitigation strategies. These controls work in tandem with the main risk treatment measures to enhance the overall effectiveness of managing the identified risk. The term “connected controls” emphasizes the interrelated nature of these measures within the broader risk management framework.

For a more detailed explanation and visual representation, visiting the TrustRegister documentation directly would be beneficial.

To get started, each one of our catalog risks comes pre-mapped to controls in your program. You can always remove and re-add new risks based on your current needs.

  1. Go to your “TrustRegister” program and click on the risk.
  2. Go to the “Treatment Plan” tab.
  3. Go to the “Connected Controls” section and click on the “+” button.
  4. On the “Search for a control” search window, search for the control that will best mitigate your risk based on the current status and description.
  5. Click on the “Add Control” button.

The control will be displayed in the “Connected Control” section.
The following screenshot shows the connected controls section.

Connected Controls

Control Effectiveness

Control effectiveness refers to how ‘effective’ your selected controls are at mitigating the risk. This number allows you to consolidate the impact your controls are having and can go from 0% to 100%. 0% means that your current controls are not reducing the risk while 100% means that your controls are working well and can successfully reduce the risk. For example, the control effectiveness of an umbrella with holes is 50% wheres a new umbrella is 100%. The ideal is between 50 and 85%, as no combination of controls can theoretically drop the residual risk to zero. Keep in mind that changing this number will impact your residual risk.

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