Vendor Registrar Template

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What is a vendor Registrar template?

The Vendor Registrar Template helps document all your vendors, along with the risks posed by each vendor, by documenting the data elements the vendor can access and business processes that the vendor is trusted to perform.

How do I use it?

Answer the prompts within the template accurately to document the data elements shared with the vendor, the vendor review process, and the vendor’s security posture.

Value to the organization:

The Vendor Registrar Template helps in recording the vendor inventory and the value each vendor provides to the organization, as well as determining the most critical vendors and the risks posed by them.

What control does it satisfy?

Completing this template helps satisfy the following controls:

VNDR-1 Inventory and classification An organization maintains an inventory of its vendors and a classification of the data they store or process.

Please download the template from here:

Third Party Supplier Registrar Template

Click here to view Vendor Management Controls

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