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What is a task?

Tasks is a project management feature in TrustOps that helps you achieve organizational compliance goals easily. They systematically break down work into small, actionable items for you and your team to handle with ease, making your program manageable and keeping it that way.

Why are tasks important?

It is common to feel overwhelmed when you first start any type of compliance program.

One of the biggest challenges to achieving compliance is knowing where to get started and what to do next. To help you prioritize, TrustOps divides your tasks into two lists: the Now list and the Later list. You will learn more about these in the following sections.

Each night, TrustOps scans your compliance program and determines high-priority tasks. It will reorganize the tasks to give you a clear picture of which tasks should be taken first. To make prioritization decisions, TrustOps considers a task’s due date, the classification of the system related to a failing test, and other factors. Also, TrustOps gives you the liberty to manually move tasks between the Now and Later lists.

In addition to the Now and Later views available to everyone, administrators also have access to “All Tasks” to view and modify tasks across the organization.

You can organize your tasks into separate groups according to teams in TrustOps, such as DevOps, Engineering, HR, etc.

Task buckets


This list shows you the tasks that need your immediate attention. The Now tab is your immediate to-do list. Tasks on this list may have pending due dates or impact high-risk data. These are high-priority tasks.

The following screenshot shows the tasks that you should focus on right now.

TO Tasks Now

To begin working on a task, 

  1. Expand the task.
  2. Click on the “Begin Task” action. This will lead you to the relevant page in TrustOps.
  3. If any of the tasks do not need your immediate attention, you can reschedule them for a later time.
  4. To reschedule a task, click on the ellipsis (three dots) menu at the top right corner of the expanded task, click on “Snooze Until” and choose a date. The task will remain on your later list until that date.
    The following screenshot shows the functionalities of the task.
    TO Begin Task
  5. You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find all tasks matching a particular keyword.
  6. To make your task list more approachable, you can filter your tasks by various categories. Such as:
    1. Tasks due in the next week, month, or six months
    2. Tasks from a specific set of  groups (DevOps, Engineering, HR, etc.)
    3. Type of task: Testing, Evidence, Onboarding, etc
  7. If any filter is selected, filtered tasks are shown at the top of the screen. You can click on the “X” next to a filter to remove it. You can select “Clear All” to remove all the applied filters.


The Later tab shows you the tasks that are assigned to you but are not considered high-priority. You can browse these tasks to plan your next to-do list. To begin working on tasks, 

The following screenshot shows the items that will need your attention soon.

TO Tasks Later

All Tasks

These are the tasks belonging to the entire team.

Admin users can observe the progress of the entire team. The “All Tasks” tab is only visible to admin users. This tab displays the tasks across the entire team, and admin users can assign or prioritize these tasks.

The following screenshot shows the All Tasks tab in Trust Ops.

TO All Tasks

What happens once a task is completed?

Once you finish a task, it will automatically be marked as complete. It will not appear in the task list. Tasks completed on a particular day are shown in the “Resolved Tasks” list. To see resolved tasks, 

  1. Go to “Filters.”
  2. Under Task Status, select “Resolved.”
    The following screenshot shows the completed tasks.TO Completed Tasks

Adding notes

Task notes are used to keep track of where you are on a particular task or even share your thoughts on other tasks. A note includes a creation date. You can add a note only to your own task, and admins can add a note to any task.

To add a note to any task

  1. Click on the task.
  2. Go to the “Notes” tab.
  3. Click on the “+ Add a Note” button.
  4. In the “Add Note” window, write a note. Click on the “+ Add Note” button. A note will be added along with the date. This note will be visible to anyone with access to that task.
    The following screenshot shows the “Add a Note” functionality.
    TO Tasks Add ANote

Tasks via Slack

Now, priority tasks can also be viewed via the TrustCloud Slack app. In order to get started, make sure that you have properly configured your Slack application by clicking here

Task Notifications

Once setup, each task owner in TrustCloud will receive an individual message via the TrustCloud Slack app with details on the tasks due, a quick link to begin the task, as well as key data points like due date, task type, along with any external ticket links. Users will also be able to view all their completed tasks via the TrustCloud Slack app’s home page.

External ticket links

Many organizations use different project management tools like Jira or Shortcut to log day-to-day work via tickets.  TrustOps enables you to link externally created tickets to your tasks. 

To add an external ticket link to a task

  1. Click on a particular task.
  2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the task.
  3. Paste your link in the “External Ticket” field (marked with link icon). 
  4. Once you have added link, your external ticket will be visible (and clickable) even in the minimal task list view.
    The following screenshot shows the external ticket linking to a task.

Link Tasks to Jira

TrustOps tasks can also be linked directly into Jira! In order to get started, make sure that you have properly configured your Jira integration via the integrations page.

Creating a Ticket in Jira

TrustOps tasks can be linked to Jira in two ways. The first is automatic ticket creation, and the other is manual ticket creation.

Automatic Ticket Creation

Ticket creation with Jira can be fully automated with TrustOps. Any user can choose to create all their tasks automatically in Jira. To create a ticket in Jira automatically, you need to change a few settings. Once this setting is enabled, any task that is assigned to a particular user will be created in Jira.

To enable automatic ticket creation

  1. Navigate to “Account Summary” in the TrustCloud program.
  2. Go to the “Admin” tab.
  3. Select “Connected Apps”.
  4. Navigate to the Task Management section to configure automatically creating tickets for selected projects.
  5. Click on the “Configure Automation” link at the top of the page.
    The following screenshot shows the apps connected to TrustOps along with “Configure Automation” link.
    TO Tasks Configure Automation
  6. Select Project, Issue Type, Reporter, Assignee, and Parent.
    The following screenshot shows how to set up automated ticket creation.
    TO Tasks Automatic Ticket Creation
  7. Click on “Complete.” Now, if any task is assigned to you, it will be automatically created in Jira.

Manual Ticket Creation

If automated ticket creation is not required, tickets can be created manually in Jira via the standard task flow. 

To create a ticket manually

  1. Click on the task.
  2. Click on the “Create Issue with Jira” button.
    The following screenshot shows how to create an issue with Jira.
    TC Create Issue With Jira 01
  3. Enter key details such as Project, Issue Type, Summary, and Description.
    The following screenshot shows the details required to create a ticket in Jira.
    TO Tasks Create Issue with jira
  4. Click on the “Create Issue” button.
  5. You can check the “Tickets” tab of the task to see the tickets linked to that particular task. It shows the current Status, Assignee, and Priority level. As TrustOps-Jira integration is bi-directional, changes made to the ticket in Jira will be reflected in the corresponding TrustOps task.
  6. You can also unlink the task directly from this page by clicking on the “Unlink” button.
    The following screenshot shows the unlinking of the Jira ticket.
    TO Tasks Unlink Jira Ticket
  7. You can also capture Jira’s accurate status via TrustOps tasks.
    The following screenshot shows capturing accurate Jira status via TrustOps tasks.
    TO Tasks No Jira Ticket


TrustOps does not support pushing tickets into Private Jira projects or into Projects that are hidden by the Jira administrator.

TrustOps does not support the customization of fields or requirements that change by project type.

If you face any issues or have a specific Jira use case, kindly contact TrustOps support for further assistance.

Viewing related tasks

When you are looking at a particular task, it is helpful to know about other tasks related to the same control or system. If some of the tasks are related to other tasks, you can view them in the “Related Tasks” section.

The following screenshot shows the related tasks to a particular task.

TO Tasks Related Tasks

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