PDP-2 – Restore Testing

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What is PDP-2 – Restore Testing Control?

The PDP-2 – Restore Testing, ensures that the organization can retrieve backup data regularly. Restore testing is performed more frequently than disaster recovery testing. 

There is no formal test required. This is left to the discretion of each organization. The organization must identify the critical data that needs to be recovered and perform a test of this recovery at least quarterly.

Available tools in the marketplace

No tool recommendation is made for this section

Available templates

TrustCloud has a curated list of templates, internally or externally sourced, to help you get started. Click on the link for a downloadable version:

  • N/A: no template for this section

Control implementation

To implement this control,

Perform a data recovery to confirm that backup data will be available in the event that the main database is unavailable. Document your step-by-step process in a ticket.

Repeat the test at least quarterly.

What evidence do auditors look for?

Most auditors, at a minimum, are looking for the below-suggested action:

  1. Provide before and after screenshots of the data recovery, demonstrating that the data was recovered from one point to another (typically documented in a ticketing system).
  2. Provide a screenshot showing the tracking of all the restore tests performed.

Evidence example

For the suggested action, an example is provided below:

  1. Provide before and after screenshots of the data recovery, demonstrating that the data was recovered from one point to another.
    The following screenshot shows TrustCloud’s sample ticket, which includes the restore strategy, the before and after, and the restore results.
    PDP 2 Restore Testing 01
  2. Provide a screenshot showing the tracking of all the restore tests performed.
    The following screenshot of the EC2, S3, and RDS backup restore examples should be included as an attachment to the restored ticket.
    Google search
    PDP 2 Restore Testing 02
    PDP 2 Restore Testing 03
    The following screenshot shows an S3 versioning example.
    Google search
    PDP 2 Restore Testing 05
    PDP 2 Restore Testing 06
    PDP 2 Restore Testing 07
    The following screenshot shows an RDS example.
    Google search

    PDP 2 Restore Testing 08

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