BIZOPS-28 Management Review Program

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What is BIZOPS-28 Management Review Program Control?

BIZOPS-28 Management Review Program control is a requirement for any ISO program. Management Review and Response Meeting Control is a critical component of any ISO standard and a requirement to demonstrate continual improvement. The management review meeting typically occurs between senior management and a dedicated or assigned team (i.e., the information security management team) to review the effectiveness of the organization and identify areas for improvement.

Available tools in the marketplace

 Management review Tools
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Available templates

TrustCloud has a curated list of templates, internally or externally sourced, to help you get started. Click on the link for a downloadable version:

Control implementation

To implement this control,

Every organization pursuing an ISO audit should implement a recurring meeting between senior management and those directly responsible for setting an ISO (i.e., ISMS, PIMS, QMS, etc.) program. The meeting should occur at least every quarter, if not more often, and must follow and address specific topics. The template provided covers all the required topics, but as a minimum, the meeting should address:

  1. The performance of the ISMS, PIMS, QMS, etc., and determine if it is meeting the organization’s objectives and requirements.
  2. The review of the results of internal and external audits and assessments of the ISMS, PIMS, QMS, etc.
  3. The assessment of the effectiveness of corrective actions taken in response to identified issues or risks
  4. Review the organization’s risk management approach and ensure that it remains relevant and effective.
  5. Identification of opportunities for improvement and developing plans to address them.

During the Management Review and Response Meeting, senior management should review relevant data and reports, such as the results of risk assessments, internal audits, and security incident reports, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s information.

Each review meeting’s attendance, topics of discussion, and action items should be documented thoroughly.

What evidence do auditors look for?

Most auditors, at a minimum, are looking for the below-suggested action:

  1. Most recent Management response and review of meeting agenda and action items

Evidence example

For the suggested action, an example is provided below:

  1. Most recent Management response and review of meeting agenda and action items

Refer to the Management Review and Response Program Template available in the Helpful Resources section, and the completed version of this template will suffice as evidence.

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