HR-18 Employee performance reviews

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What is HR-18 employee performance review control?

Employee performance reviews are periodic assessments of an employee’s job performance. The “HR-18 Employee Performance Reviews” control expects that this review is documented and evaluated by the employee’s manager.

This process is mandatory and can be performed using a formal tool or informal documentation. Regardless of the format, it has to be traceable and available for audit purposes.

Available tools in the marketplace

The following listing is “crowdsourced” from our customer base or from external research. TrustCloud does not personally recommend any of the tools below, as we haven’t used them.

Employee Performance Review Tools

Available templates

TrustCloud has a curated list of templates, internally or externally sourced, to help you get started. Click on the link for a downloadable version:

  • N/A: no template is available for this control

Control implementation

To implement this control,

You need to define and document a process for periodically evaluating your organization’s employees. The process does not need to be formal.

For an informal process:

For small startups, recurring 1-1 meeting calendars are provided as documentation during an audit. In that case, just document it in your Human Resources (HR) policy.

For a formal process:

  • Employees must define and document their goals and objectives for the period under review.
  • The manager must review the employee’s goals and objectives.
  • The manager must document the review of the evaluation.
  • There must be a regular review (at least once a year).

What evidence do auditors look for in HR-18 Employee performance reviews control?

Most auditors, at a minimum, are looking for the below-suggested action:

  1. Provide the most recently completed performance review for an employee.

Evidence example

For the suggested action, an example is provided below:

  1. Provide the most recently completed performance review for an employee.
    The following screenshot demonstrates the employee’s goals and evaluation from the manager.
    Google search
    HR 18 Employee performance reviews 01

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