Vendor Offboarding Checklist

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What is the vendor offboarding checklist?

The vendor offboarding checklist is a structured document used by organizations to ensure a smooth and comprehensive transition when terminating or ending a business relationship with a vendor. This checklist outlines the necessary steps and tasks to be completed to wrap up the vendor’s involvement effectively while mitigating risks and ensuring continuity of operations.The Vendor Offboarding Checklist template helps you document the steps used to successfully offboard a vendor.

How do I use it?

This template provides an outline of the steps that you need to take when the vendor is no longer providing services to your organization. It lists out the steps that include access revocation, both logically from systems that the vendor has access to as well as physically from your facilities. You need to review the contracts to ensure proper data disposal was performed by the vendor. You can use this template to document the completion of those steps.

Value to the organization:

Using a template for documenting vendor offboarding ensures that all important actions have been completed to maintain data security and privacy.

What control does it satisfy?

Completing this template helps satisfy the following controls:

VNDR-10 Vendor Offboarding A procedure is in place to guide the offboarding of vendors and ensure that contractual obligations are fulfilled, with any sensitive data properly handled.

The following screenshot shows the vendor offboarding checklist.

Vendor Offboarding Checklist

Please download the template from here:

By following a vendor offboarding checklist, organizations can minimize disruptions, protect sensitive information, and maintain accountability throughout the process of terminating vendor relationships. This structured approach helps mitigate risks and liabilities while safeguarding the organization’s interests and reputation.

Please find the related controls here – VNDR-10 Vendor Off-boarding

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